Monday 17 June 2013

Another weekend baking with Peppa Pig...

So another weekend of baking which has kept me busy and my life now seems to evolve around little one and baking! I mentioned in my last couple of posts that I was making another Peppa Pig cake (very popular!) and that I would put a small tutorial of how I made the peppa figures, so here it is!  

So first I made some modelling paste by mixing sugar paste (also known as fondant) and florist paste in equal amounts. This makes the paste stronger and you can stretch it more as seen below.

Normal Sugar Paste
Modelling Paste (mix of Sugar and Florist Paste)

Florist Paste ( I like to buy this in White and colour it myself as I use it for many different models)
I then coloured some of it pink for peppas face using claret colouring below and broke some off for the arms and legs before molding the head. I also coloured the body red and molded this into a slight cone shape using my hands and flattening the top to put the head on. 

Peppa's head is quite hard to get right, I tapered it to make the nose longer but her head is quite flat so you need to make a dip under the nose so it looks like this:

I then made holes for the nose and eyes using the end of a small brush, you can of course you the end of a cocktail stick too. Then I put this to one side to dry a bit and rolled out the arms and legs from the small bit of pink modelling paste we put aside earlier.
I then cut the arms and flattened one end of each arm using a knife before cutting into three small fingers.

With the feet I did the same but with no flattening, I made some little shoes by rolling two bits of red modelling paste into small balls, flattening them slightly to a more oval shape and making a small dent using the end of the brush. I then stuck two pink rolled out legs into these dents using edible glue.

Then I stuck them all together using edible glue and stuck little balls of white florist paste as eyes into the holes I made earlier. I made the ears out of little balls of pink modelling paste and shaped and flattened them slightly and stuck them on top of her head slightly back from the eyes.
I then used the end of a cocktail stick dipped in dark food colouring and dabbed it in the middle of the white eye for the pupil. Then I mixed some red food colouring in a small bit of water and painted the smile and cheeks. Here is one from the earlier cake as I didn't get a photo of finished Peppa but she is on the finished cake :) 
I also made George using a blue body and some picnic food and ducks...
And here is the finished cake!
In my next post I will show you how to make some picnic food that you can see on this cake... until then happy baking!

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